Jasa Konstruksi Sipil

Whether you're interested in upgrading your kitchen cabinets or completely remodeling the entire room or the basement, our expert estimators and remodeling

Jasa Konstruksi Pancang

Whether you're interested in upgrading your kitchen cabinets or completely remodeling the entire room or the basement, our expert estimators and remodeling

Jasa Konstruksi Baja

Whether you're interested in upgrading your kitchen cabinets or completely remodeling the entire room or the basement, our expert estimators and remodeling


General Contractor I Supplier & Drilling Service

PT. Klaton Jaya Mandiri adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang General Contractor Supplier & Drilling Service yang melayani perusahaan menengah dan besar, baik swasta maupun pemerintah.

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